Our family took a quick road trip to Myrtle Beach this weekend to visit family, but before we left, I decided I couldn’t look at our hallway window chalkboard for one minute longer. Y’all, it still had a Christmas scripture on it. Which is cool and all…I love little baby Jesus, trust me. But I couldn’t deal anymore.
I wiped the slate clean for a fresh scripture that was perfect for spring (and really any time of year). But if you’re like me, even if you have the most beautiful saying in the world to write on your chalkboard, it can still get really frustrating to actually make it look pretty. Kid you not, I can barely draw stick people. I’m as artistically challenged as it gets when it comes to drawing/painting/hand lettering.
So if your artistic limit is stick people too, and you know you’ll never get to the point where you can free-hand lovely fonts perfectly symmetrically on a chalkboard, you’re going to love this trick.
I really love using this method on my window chalkboard because one piece of printer paper is the perfect size for each pane. I just design sections of my quote/scripture on Picmonkey and print. So easy. It can be done on a regular chalkboard too, and you can even cut out your words on the paper and play around with your placement.
Once I’m happy with my placement, I work on one pane at a time.
I rub the back of my paper with chalk first and gently shake off any excess. (Dang it. That Taylor Swift song is stuck in my head now.)
Then, I flip my paper back over and tape down the sides to hold it in place. I use a pen or pencil to trace my letters.
I switched to a pencil right after this shot because I felt like I could press down a little harder with a pencil to get a better imprint. (You caught me. I’m not left-handed. Definitely faked it for a second to get this shot.)
Once traced, I had a faint outline imprinted on my chalkboard.
From there, I filled in the outline with chalk. You can wet your chalk too by dipping it every few minutes in a cup of water to make it easier to work with and less dusty. I think the chalk shows up a little more opaque that way too.
Once I fill in my outlines, this is where I can get a little creative, as creative as my artistically challenged self will let me anyway. I can do dots and squigglies and that’s pretty much it.
Repeat on your other sections and ta da! You have a beautifully hand lettered chalkboard. You can use chalk pens too if you want to make it more permanent, but I like to change mine out with the seasons. It seems tedious, but it’s a good rainy day project while watching an episode of Fixer Upper or something.
I love that we always write a Bible verse on this chalkboard since it hangs right near our front door.
Sometimes we need that reminder that God is with us when we walk out the door every day.
And it’s good for us to see when we walk into our house after a long, challenging day.
Oh, and do you see a little sneak peek of a change in our breakfast area already? Those red curtains are gone! I still need to raise the curtain rod and hem them, but it’s getting there.
Do you have any chalkboard tricks you use? Do you have a favorite scripture on display in your house somewhere? Are you artistically challenged too? My 2 year-old can out-draw me, I think.
Now that spring is starting to come to life, I think we’ll be seeing a lot more sidewalk chalk in our immediate future.
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